Warren F. Davis: PhysLink.com Expert

   Warren F. Davis
Warren F. Davis
Ph.D. Physics
President, Davis Associates, Inc.
Newton, MA USA
Questions answered
to date:
Biography Warren F. Davis obtained both his Ph.D. and undergraduate degrees in physics from M.I.T. For his graduate thesis he undertook a theoretical examination of gravitational radiation as predicted by the Einstein, Brans-Dicke and Rosen bi-metric theories of gravity.

He has worked in a variety of applied areas, including radar signature analysis for the U.S. Pacific Test Range, digital flight simulation and onboard guidance for the Apollo lunar landing mission, signal analysis in radio astronomy, optical image reconstruction and aperture synthesis, and the development of new multidimensional fast Fourier transform techniques and algorithms.

He is currently the President of Davis Associates, Inc..

Published Answers All answers by Warren F. Davis published at PhysLink.com up to date are listed here:
  1. Why can a person lay on a bed of nails and not be injured? What is this scientific theory called?

  2. Where do electrons get the energy to travel at such high speeds?

  3. How are all magnetic fields produced? Where are the moving charges in the iron atoms of a magnet?

  4. I know that gravity keeps us on the earth, but what prevents us from being pushed or pulled through the floor, earth, etc. (besides concrete, wood, and soil)? Does it have something to do with opposite forces?

  5. Would not the speed of a light beam headed toward a black hole increase tremendously? We do know it could be bent by the gravity of a star.

  6. Given that space is expanding, why is it that it is still '3,000 miles' from New York to San Francisco? Why is it that the volume of the space in a crystal lattice of, say, NaCl, still X cubic Angstroms? Doesn't 'local' space expand too?

  7. How do yo-yos work? Why do they come back up after being thrown down?

  8. How was the speed of light determined and who found it, when? How close was the estimate of 186,000 mps to the 'actual' speed of light?

  9. If, indeed, the speed of light is constant,why is it usually listed for a vacuum?

  10. What is the Photoelectric Effect?

  11. How do airplanes fly and where can I find more information about it on the internet?

  12. Why does a Fire truck siren change pitch when it passes us?

  13. Is it true that radio waves travel faster than X-rays?

  14. What will hold a greater amount of charge, a hollow metal sphere or a solid metal sphere?

  15. Someone kindly explain,please.My atoms left the spot of the 'BIG BANG' at it's occurrence some 15 billion years ago.They traveled at a relatively slow rate compared to the speed of light.therefore,would not the light generated at BIG BANG time have passed me by and been long forgotten.Yet,we get reports of light from near the time of the BIG BANG just being received as if we had been here all along awaiting it?

  16. Why is there no color spectrum at the sub-atomic level? Or is there?

  17. What is rest mass? How to explain it especially to the high school students?

  18. What are the frequencies of musical notes like G and G(cardinal) in k-hertz?

  19. Would the current of a circuit consisting of a power source and a resistor affect the rate at which the resistor can heat water? If so, why?

  20. What is a tensor?

  21. If you're in a car traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, does anything happen?

  22. I read that plasma is the fourth state of matter. In the same book, it stated that plasma was (basically) shattered particles, using fire as an example. Is this true?

  23. How is the 'STERADIAN' defined and how is it used?

  24. How does a Faraday Cage work? or, Why can a satellite dish have holes in it?

  25. My science data book says that the mass of a photon is zero. But how can photon exert radiation pressure, as it occurs in the sun?