Faculty: 8
Staff: 4
Post Docs: 8
Grads: 8
Under Grads: 100
Research Areas:
Research in observational
Astronomy, some research in theoretical
astrophysics. Principal topics include
extragalactic astronomy (galaxy evolution,
properties of the galaxy distribution, distance
scales through SNe),
Galactic astronomy (extrasolar planets, galactic
structure), stellar astrophysics
(neutron stars). All
astronomers at the Department make
intensive use of the astronomical facilities
available in Chile.
The Department has access to 10%
observing time available to the Chilean
institutions, from all the astronomical
observatories in the northern Chile.
The department has the top end
Linux and Unix computers to process
and analyse the data. Also the
Department has a 40cm telescope for
'Arrows of hate have been shot at me too, but they have never hit me, because somehow they belonged to another world with which I have no connection whatsoever.'