OZ Optics Ltd. OZ Optics is one of the leading fiber optic component
manufacturers in the world. Privately owned, with over 3,000 customers in
the telecommunications
SOREM SOREM manufactures optical materials (transmission from UV to
far IR), optical components, optomechanical assemblies and the HVIR
window for infrared
Orbital Networking Engineering, Inc.
Orbital Network Engineering, Inc. is the leader in applying high reliability mission critical wireless technology to the needs of space and telecommunications industries.
SafeSun, Personal UV meter SafeSun spectral charecteristic follows human skin sensitivity to UV burning in 300-340nm range
EG&G Signal Recovery Home
Page Details of all current EG&G Signal Recovery
Instruments, including lock-in amplifiers, choppers, preamps & signal
e-NoteBooks Publishers and
resellers of add-ons for Mathematica and LabVIEW. Downloadable distributions available
from our online store.
A-VAC Industries high vacuum
equipment sales, service and support. Helium leak detectors, vacuum pumps, accessories,
parts and professional service since 1969 , Anaheim, CA. U.S.A.
B&B Electronics Full line of
interface converters: RS-232 to , Ottawa, Illinois
Omicron Vakuumphysik GmbH Omicron manufactures a wide range of scanning probe microscopes and instruments
for electron spectroscopy for surface science and nanotechnology
'In a way science is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate.
Shall we throw away the key and never have a way to enter the gates of heaven? Or shall we struggle with the problem of which is the best way to use the key?'