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Ask the Experts - Thermodynamics
How can you make oil sink in water?
Could you please explain the general theory behind the sound that is produced when water falls on a hot surface?
Does ozone occur naturally at ground level and is it safe to breathe?
Would a newspaper bleaching in the sun be a physical or chemical change?
What is the particle structure of a flame?
Why is heavy water poisonous?
Which direction would a helium filled ballon go in an enclosed car that turns right, and why?
When carpet and a marble floor are at same room temperature, why does carpet feel warmer than a marble floor?
How does a Crookes Radiometer work?
If you lit a flame in an oxygen atmosphere in space, what direction would the flame burn in?
Please explain why do long rivers ( such as the Nile ) flow along serpentine paths rather than straight?
If heat rises, why is it so cold in the upper atmosphere?
If the iceberg is sitting on the bottom of the ocean and NOT floating, would the water level rise as the ice melts?
If the pressure at the bottom of the ocean is high, why is it so cold?
What is plasma?
Why does the temperature remain constant as a pure substance undergoes a phase change, such as liquid to gas?
Why do we hear a hissing sound when we open a coke bottle?
How does humidity effect the way that an airplane flies?
What is the weight of 1 cubic foot of air?
If you burn a piece of wood in a confined space would the weight of that space change?
What does salt do to water that raises the boiling temperature? Is it a chemical reaction?
Why does firewood crackle when it is thrown in a fire?
Exactly why does water cool down so much slower than it heats up?
We know that fire needs oxygen in order to burn. Then how come stars continue to burn even though there is no oxygen in space?
Why do military aircraft often fly in formation and is it in any way related to the reason birds fly in formation (conservation of energy)?
What would happen to a balloon if it was blown up in a classroom and then taken to the top of Mount Everest? What would happen when it came back down?
If fire needs oxygen of burn, how come it is used in H2O to put out fire?
If an airplane wing provides lift (an airfoil), how does a plane fly upside down?
Is the popular belief that 100° steam is more injurious to the skin than boiling water just a wives tale?
How hot is it at the center of the Earth?
Would Jupiter float in a body of water?
They say that the safest place to be when a bomb explodes is right on top of it, is that true?
How high can a (commercial or military) jet aircraft go?
How does a laser cool something, as in producing a Bose-Einstein condensate?
How did the earth come to have a molten iron core?
Why can you not get sunburned behind a glass?
Is the most heat lost by the means of conduction, convection or radiation?
Why are all stars yellow?
How does ice form on a window pane if there is no water?
When a mercury thermometer is immersed in a hot liquid, the mercury level goes down at first and then goes up. Why?
How can people walk on burning coal and not burn themselves?
How do you keep warm in an igloo? What's the underlying Physics behind it?
Can you boil water without heat? Why and how does it occur?
If oxygen is needed for fires to burn and hydrogen is a highly explosive gas, why does water not explode when exposed to fire?
Does cold temperature affect the elasticity of a rubber band?
How is Mach related to temperature of the air? How does a sudden change of temperature affects the propulsion of a jet engine?
If a car is traveling with a helium-filled balloon in the back seat, and the car suddenly stops, what happens to the balloon?
If you had an iceberg in a bathtub and it melted, what would happen to the water level in the bathtub, and why?
What are some examples of cohesion and adhesion?
How did thermal blackbody radiation spectrum not fit classical physics and what was done about it?
Is the 3rd law of thermodynamics valid even for objects smaller than atoms?
How is the measurement Watts related to temperature in terms of energy?
What is the physics involved in skydiving?
Do all solids have a melting point? For example, is there a point when a tree, a piece of paper, or other carbon based solid becomes a liquid?
What are the differences between jet airplanes and rockets?
What is meant by background radiation?
Why does space shuttle fly up with its belly upward and its back downward (i.e., astronauts sitting upside down)?
If a spacecraft was fitted with a laser would the photons emitted push the craft upwards as in the solar sail or beamed energy propulsion concepts?
If Bernoulli's equation is true, then wouldn't the passengers in a car die of suffication (because of the lower pressure system outside of the car creating a vacuum inside the car) if they had their windows down while driving?
What is Boyle's law?
At what point does a black hole stop sucking in mass and explode creating a new time/space continuum?
Will there be any change in water level/height of floating part of the boat if stones are dropped into the pond from a floating boat?
If dimples on a golf ball make it travel further then why don't they use dimples on aircraft?
What is the partial pressure of oxygen in a commercial airplane at 30,000 feet?
Why is liquid oxygen magnetic?
What is the magnetocaloric effect and what materials exhibit this effect the most?
Is there a scientific way of estimating how much time a given mass of ice will take to melt in a controlled ambient temperature?
If oxygen feeds fire and hydrogen is explosive, then why isn't water combustible?
Why do rubber bands contract when heated instead of expanding?
Will a lake freeze faster on a windy day than a calm day?
Does the temperature of a football (or baseball, soccer ball, etc) affect how far it will travel when kicked/hit?
Why are there no tides in rivers and lakes?
When a flame comes out of a lighter on earth, it points up; which way would it point in a zero g environment?
What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow?
Why is an apple pies sauce always hotter than the pastry even though they have been cooked on the same heat?
Why does air get colder as it expands?
Why does ice melt faster in water( at room temp.) than in air?
Why is it impossible to pump water from very deep in the ground with a surface pump?
If you pour soda pop into a glass at room temperature is fizzes, but if you pour it into ice it fizzes a lot. Though carbon dioxide is more soluble in the pop at low temperature, why does it fizz more with the ice?
Is there a relationship between electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity?
I was wondering if there is a table that shows the volume vs temperature for Mercury (Hg)?
What is the pH of water?
Why does a golf ball slice or draw? What is the difference in the flight of a golf ball hit with back-spin and one hit with top-spin?
How much heat per hour do humans dissipate?
I noticed that pouring hot coffee into cold cream results in a higher final beverage temperature than pouring the cold cream into the hot coffee. Can you explain the physical principle behind this observation?
We are having a party at work, we want to use dry ice as an effect, can we put it into our punch and then drink it? Is it safe?
What is the nature of the dense fog that forms over the surface of liquid nitrogen?
Why an electric bulb needs to be vacuumed? Can we light up a bulb in the space without enclosing in the glass bulb?
Why is it that on a cold day sky seems more blue? Is there a direct connection between temperature and the 'blueness' of the sky?
How do evaporative coolers work?
Assume there is an ice cube in a glass of water. When the ice cube melts, will the water level have risen, fallen, or remained the same? Why?
Why are jet engines' and rocket engines' tails shaped differently, one gets narrower as the other gets wider?
Can a dummy load be switched on to overload the outside power lines, raise their temperature and melt the accumulated ice away?
What will happen to the gas at absolute zero temperature (0 K)?
What is a fuel-cell and how does it work?
How much does water expand when it's frozen?
What is correct: To mention temperature in deg K (°K) or in just K?
How much Hydrogen can be extracted from a gallon of water? Is there any reason why a fuel cell powered aquatic vehicle (boat, submarine) could not supplement the Hydrogen supplies on-board with Hydrogen extracted from sea water, thus extending their range?
What is heavy water?
Can energy be converted back into mass?
Why does the stream of water from a faucet become narrower as it falls?
Is it true that ice skaters actually slide on water instead of ice? Is the pressure from the blade on the ice sufficient to melt ice into water?
How does a boomerang work?
How is light formed in a light bulb?
My student was messing around with the bunsen burner when he noticed the following. He had put a wire gauze on top of the burner before turning the gas on. When he used the lighter on the bottom portion i.e. below the wire gauze, a flame was only visible at that portion but not above the wire gauze. When he used the lighter on the portion above the wire gauze, the flame only appeared on the top portion but not the bottom portion! Why?
Why is the gap in the ozon layer the worst above Antartica, given that the highest emission of CFK's happens in the Northern Hemisphere?
What is the Pascal's law?
What causes high tide and low tide and why?
Given the First Law of Thermodynamics: that you can't get something from nothing. Where did all the stuff in the universe come from and how is it still a law if it was once broken?
What is the easiest way to calculate the earth's athmoshpere's weight?
What is temperature? Is temperature a measure of the vibrations of matter? If so isn't it related to kinetic energy and therefore not a base quantity?
How is time a function of the fabric of nature, and not perception only?
How does one 'liquify' helium? How is it cooled enough to become a liquid?
Where do I find a list of metals with their heat expansion index?
How can you boil a liquid without heating it? Why is this possible?
Considering only temperature and disrespecting the rest, would I feel cold or hot with my hand in the vacuum?
With such limited resources of his time, how did Avogadro come up with his number (the number of molecules in a mole of gas)?
What is a one way mirror and how does it work?
Is it possible to make a perfect vacuum?
What is the Humidex formula used to find subjective temperature as a function of both measured temperature and relative humidity?
How do adhesives (i.e superglue) not stick to their container?
How can water co-exist at three phases (solid, liquid and gas)?
What is a simple defintion of the laws of thermodynamics?
What is the ultimate fate of our sun?
I am thinking about building a 1 or 2 man blimp. How many cubic feet of helium is required to lift, say, 300 or 500 pounds?
When matter is dragged into a black hole, where does it go or what happens to it?
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the universe tends toward high entropy. If so, what happens when there is nothing left to be disordered? How can matter be constant?
Is there a formula to calculate the triple point of a substance?
How does a dunking ducky work?
What is dry ice & Why does it steam when wet?
Where can I find information on the average temperature of a cutting torch when it is used to cut steel?
Does the entropy of a closed system always increase, or could it possibly decrease?
Do you get wetter if you run or walk in the rain?
What is meant when one says that the temperature of the cosmic background radiation is 3K?
Is our moon's gravitational field strong enough to retain a gaseous envelope and is there a gas with a sufficiently high molecular weight that could be used to create an 'atmosphere' for our moon?
Could you explain van der Waals' forces to me, and their role in why energy is needed to vaporize water?
Books say that heat transfer in an adiabatic process is equal to 0. How can this be if there is a change in temperature?
Assuming the probability of obtaining heads in coin flip is exactly fifty percent, why should a test group of a ten flips produce less accurate results than one of one million flips?
Which is the lowest temperature known in nature (not in laboratory)?
What is the difference between the dietary calorie and the physical calorie? Is there a relation between the two?
The tires of airplanes (at least the big ones) are inflated by nitrogen (instead of air). Why is this done?
I'm an actor playing the role of a balloonist and I want to be able to explain in scientific terms why helium and hydrogen make balloons rise.
Atmospheric pressure is supposed to be very large. Then why is it that we, along with everything else on the earth, do not get crushed under this tremendous pressure?
What exactly is the heat death of the universe and where can I find out more?
What experiments are there to prove Absolute Zero? Who discovered it and how?
I read that plasma is the fourth state of matter. In the same book, it stated that plasma was (basically) shattered particles, using fire as an example. Is this true?
Does pure water reach its boiling point at a higher or lower temperature than Salted Water? and does the same apply to water saturated with sugar?
What is the density of water?
I was working graveyard shift at a convenience store. A gallon jug of water suddenly exploded on a shelf in the office. The temperature was controlled, eight other gallons rested on the same shelf. What happened? Is this evidence of atoms having a finite life?
If you left the refrigerator door open, what would happen to the room temperature and why?
What is the difference between diffusion and dissolving?
Why is Mercury the only metal present in the liquid state at room temperature?
How far down can an object go in the ocean before it will reach 10,000 PSI?
Does the term wind chill only apply to humans, animals, etc. or does it also apply to material things like automobiles, tractors, etc.?
Will a black container of hot water lose heat faster or slower than a white container of hot water?
Why does increased pressure lower the melting point of ice? Can we use the First Law of Thermodynamics to explain?
What is the Triple Point of Water?
Since hydrofluoric acid (HF) will eat through just about anything, in what and how is it stored?
Why is there no degree in Kelvin?
How does one determine the temperature of a vacuum?
What is film boiling?
Why does oil float to the top in liquid if you try to mix it with the liquid?
What is the difference between fire and electricity? What is the role of electricity in combustion? Why is electricity prone to cause fires?
Why is it, that if you lower your hand flat into, say, a pool there is no or hardly any resistance but if you were to raise your hand and slap it down hard into the water, there is so much resistance?
Since the sun is one giant ball of gas, what force holds its consistent shape and size? Why doesn't it expand and burn up quickly?
Why is the latent heat of vaporization of water greater than the latent heat of fusion of water?
What happens to a closed can of coke when put in the freezer?
Why is it that when one is taking a hot shower, the shower curtain tends to be pulled inward, inside the shower(as opposed to being pushed outward)?
Why do birds fly in formation shaped like the alphabet'V'? Which bird works the hardest in such a formation and why?
Why does the Fahrenheit scale use 32 degrees as a freezing point?
When liquid boils what TYPE of gases are in the bubbles?
Would this be perpetual motion:
1) You make hydrogen from water using energy.
2) you let the H
rise through a pipe capturing all its energy.
3) you burn the H
in a fuel cell at its highest height.
4) Then you let the water from the fuel cell run down a pipe capturing all of its energy.
5) Now all the energy you captured from the H
rising, the fuel cell burning,and the water falling is used to make more H
What is the temperature at which Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometer readings are equal?
Expansion and Contraction : Why does heat and cold make things expand and contract ? Also why do some metals expand more than others?
Can you compress a liquid (water)?
Which freezes faster, hot water or cold water?
Do you know where to find information on the temperature at the tip of a lit cigarette, both during drawing on it and when it is not being drawn on?
'To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition.'
Albert Einstein
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