I was working graveyard shift at a convenience store. A gallon jug of water suddenly exploded on a shelf in the office. The temperature was controlled, eight other gallons rested on the same shelf. What happened? Is this evidence of atoms having a finite life?
Asked by: Manuel J. Chavez
Manuel, there is a lot of information missing form your account. Clearly water jugs do not explode
without reason. One would have to know if the jug was ever opened and if so was the water inside
still pure and clean? Even if it was never opened it would have to have had some impurities in it.
Clearly some kind of bacteria or yeast got into the jug and fermented. I am sure you have already
thought of these and many other possibilities. Of this you may be assured: the atoms of the jug
did not decay and cause the explosion. I know this because if they had you would not be here to
tell the story!
I know this does not help you much but I did want to assure you that you are not crazy!
Answered by: Tom Young, M.S., Science Teacher, Whitehouse High School, Texas
'Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. '