Faculty: 30
Staff: 29
Post Docs: 32
Grads: 55
Under Grads: 190
Research Areas:
Theoretical and experimental nuclear physics and astrophysics;
semiconductor optoelectronic devices and materials; ultra-fast photonics; soft condensed matter
physics; radiation imaging and medical physics; novel radiation detectors and their application; ion
beam analytical methods and nuclear reactions analysis.
State-of-the art gamma-ray and charged-particle detectors; ion beam facility with a microprobe for chemical mapping; broadline magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facility; spectroscopic ellipsometry (visible and IR); X- and gamma-ray tomography; TLD equipment; in vitro
neutron activation rig; high pressure facility (up to 10 GPa) for semiconductor testing; clean room facility.
'The greatest good will come from the technical improvements tending to unification and harmony.'