What is the angular velocity of the Earth around the Sun? How do we get it?
Asked by: Zahi Assir
Calculating the angular velocity of the Earth is a deceptively easy task. The reason for
this is simple - the angular velocity is defined as the angle subtended in a certain time.
We know the Earth goes round the Sun, all the way around is 2 radians (360 degrees).
We also know that it takes a year (approx 365 days) which is therefore about 3.2x107 secs.
Therefore = 2 / 3.2x107 = 2.0x10-7 rad/s. We have calculated the angular velocity.
However, if we can measure the distance to the Sun we can also calculate the velocity of
the Earth relative to the Sun. Although unless we define a direction this is more
technically known as the speed. This can be done by looking at the definition of the
radian. The radian is a unit which conects the radius of an arc, the length of the arc and
the angle subtended by the arc. The formula for this is s = r x (where s is the
length of the arc, r is the radius and the angle). So if we know the radius of the
Earth's orbit (1.5x1011m) we can substitute the angular velocity from our previous equation
to give v = x r (where v is the velocity, the angular velocity and r the
So, the Earth travels through space (relative to the Sun) at:
v = 2.0x10-7 x 6.4x106 = 3.0x104m/s
Answered by: Edward Rayne, Physics Undergraduate Student, Cambridge UK
'The strength and weakness of physicists is that we believe in what we can measure. And if we can't measure it, then we say it probably doesn't exist. And that closes us off to an enormous amount of phenomena that we may not be able to measure because they only happened once. For example, the Big Bang. ... That's one reason why they scoffed at higher dimensions for so many years. Now we realize that there's no alternative... '