What are the six simple machines used in the study of physics?
Asked by:
Kevin Levy
The six simple machines are the primary machines that can be found in even the most complex machines. The 6 simple machines are:
The Pulley - This simple machine reverses the direction of a force, and when multiple pulleys are utilized in conjunction with each other, less force is required to lift an object. The one downside of using multiple pulleys is that the rope's end must move across a longer distance than the object being lifted.
The Wheel and Axle - This machine is setup such that the axle is connected to the center of the wheel. This setup allows the wheel to be thereby be set in motion once the axle starts to turn.
The Lever - This simple machine is such that when downward motion is applied at one end, upward motion is created at the other end.
The Inclined Plane - This simple machine allows for an object to be moved vertically without being lifted.
The Wedge - This simple machine allows motion from objects such as hammers to be transferred into a breaking, cutting, or splitting motion. The wedge is a key machine used in machines that cut or break objects.
The Screw - This simple machine is crafted in such a fashion to where a groove that wraps around a central material in the shape of a spiral. When placed into a slot that fits the screw's groove and shape, this allows for rotary motion to be converted into forward or backward motion.
Answered by:
Bennett Russell, High School Student, Boca Raton, Florida
'In a way science is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate.
Shall we throw away the key and never have a way to enter the gates of heaven? Or shall we struggle with the problem of which is the best way to use the key?'